
SaskCrowns is a community-based group of individuals who want Saskatchewan people to determine the fate of our Crown corporations.

June 7 2018 Update: The provincial government has enacted legislation to completely repeal Bill 40. Effectively, this means that any future sale or winding-down of our Crowns will require a referendum where Saskatchewan people will be able to decide this important issue. The SaskCrowns petition is no longer needed and we are suspending any further collection of signatures. Unfortunately, Bill 40 was used to close the Saskatchewan Transportation Corporation (STC) and we can’t recover that public service with this petition effort. However, it is clear that the people of Saskatchewan know the value of our Crowns. We thank our volunteers and the tens of thousands of people who signed the petition. Your contributions clearly made a difference.

Read the latest analysis (November 10 2017) about what is now happening to the Crowns in Saskatchewan.

We are doing that by gathering signatures to force the government to hold a province-wide vote so that Saskatchewan people can decide whether or not to sell-off or wind-down Crown corporations like Sasktel, SaskPower, SaskEnergy, SGI, STC and SaskWater.



To add your signature, just download and print the petition, fill it out and mail it in.

The people of Saskatchewan deserve a voice in the future of our Crowns. Let’s come together and make sure we have our say.

SaskCrowns is made up of Saskatchewan citizens who believe strongly that our Crown corporations provide us with valuable services and help keep our cost of living down. We think that selling or winding-up Crown corporations is short-sighted, and that other options to improve the provincial budgetary situation need to be considered. We are nonpartisan and are not directed by or affiliated with any other group, organization or political party.

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Already filled out the petition but want to help with the SaskCrowns project? Contact us!


I've signed lots of petitions about the Crowns, why do I need to sign this one?

The SaskCrown petition is for a singular purpose - to force the government to call a vote.

Do I actually have to print this out and mail it in? Why can't I just check a box or send an email?

Yes, you must print and fill out the petition. We need signatures from people who are registered to vote in Saskatchewan.